How do shampoos and hot irons work at restoring the shine of a Brazilian hair treatment?

Dea Gbortoe

Posted on April 02 2019

How do shampoos and hot irons work at restoring the shine of a Brazilian hair treatment?
Natural human hair consists of more number of free electrons (negatively charged ions)
on its surface than free protons (positively charged ions). When this imbalance in charges exceeds limits, the hair in a Brazilian hair treatment starts becoming frizzy and dull. This fact about a Brazilian hair treatment has been proven by studies conducted on hair strands. In these studies, the hair from Brazilian hair treatment is extracted and subjected to dyes of different electrical charges. These dyes are designed to glow in different colors when coming into contact with particles of different charges – they would glow in one color when reacting with predominantly negative charges, and a different color when reacting with mainly positive charges. From these experiments, it was deduced that the human hair in a Brazilian hair treatment contains more electrons than
protons or neutrons. This has led hair care companies to develop hair care products which act on the Brazilian hair treatment and restore its sheen by mainly reacting with and neutralizing negatively charged ions. This feature is predominantly used by companies which manufacture hair cleansing agents such as shampoos and conditioners, and also by hair styling companies making blow dryers and ho

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