Precautions To Be Followed During The Heat Treatment Of Brazilian Weaves Hair Extensions
Posted on April 02 2019

As a general rule, human hair should not be
subjected to excessive heat treatment since this would result in the hair
losing its moisture and becoming dry and frizzy. Since Brazilian weaves hair
extensions are made from human hair, they are also susceptible to the same
damage from heat treatment as natural human hair. The lesser the use of hot
styling tools, the longer the lifespan of the Brazilian weaves hair extensions.
Despite this, there are instances and occasions when heat treatment involving
the use of hot curlers, rods, irons or tongs becomes unavoidable. In such
instances, to prevent the Brazilian weaves hair extensions from losing their
luster, follow a few basic precautions. The first and most obvious one is to
restrict the use of heat styling to a minimum and to maintain the temperature
as low as possible. The effectiveness of heating tools can be increased at
lesser temperatures by working with small sections of the Brazilian weaves hair
extensions at a time. Next, use hot irons or curlers on hair which is freshly
washed. Dust and oil particles have a tendency to get electrically charged and
stick to hot irons. They then scald the Brazilian weaves hair extensions after
getting over-heated. Though the Brazilian weaves hair extensions should be
freshly washed, you should also ensure that they are completely dry before
being heat treated. Water particles scald the Brazilian weaves hair extensions
in the same way, though to a lesser degree, as oil and dust particles. Heat
protection sprays can be looked at as an option to minimize damage to the Brazilian
weaves hair extensions.
subjected to excessive heat treatment since this would result in the hair
losing its moisture and becoming dry and frizzy. Since Brazilian weaves hair
extensions are made from human hair, they are also susceptible to the same
damage from heat treatment as natural human hair. The lesser the use of hot
styling tools, the longer the lifespan of the Brazilian weaves hair extensions.
Despite this, there are instances and occasions when heat treatment involving
the use of hot curlers, rods, irons or tongs becomes unavoidable. In such
instances, to prevent the Brazilian weaves hair extensions from losing their
luster, follow a few basic precautions. The first and most obvious one is to
restrict the use of heat styling to a minimum and to maintain the temperature
as low as possible. The effectiveness of heating tools can be increased at
lesser temperatures by working with small sections of the Brazilian weaves hair
extensions at a time. Next, use hot irons or curlers on hair which is freshly
washed. Dust and oil particles have a tendency to get electrically charged and
stick to hot irons. They then scald the Brazilian weaves hair extensions after
getting over-heated. Though the Brazilian weaves hair extensions should be
freshly washed, you should also ensure that they are completely dry before
being heat treated. Water particles scald the Brazilian weaves hair extensions
in the same way, though to a lesser degree, as oil and dust particles. Heat
protection sprays can be looked at as an option to minimize damage to the Brazilian
weaves hair extensions.